Get ready for the summer fun !!!

 Summer is full of simple outdoor pleasures, such as the feeling of sun and wind on your arms and legs, freshly uncovered. The season contains a kind of happiness born out of escapes of any kind.
This is the time to get out as much as you can for as long as you can. Tend the garden, swim in the waves, eat outdoors, sleep under the stars.

why is the summer is important to our life ?

Importance of Summer: Summertime is an excellent opportunity for families to spend time together and enjoy the outdoors. In addition to being a time for relaxation, summer can also be a time for learning and growth. For children, summer break provides a chance to explore new interests and develop new skills

Why is summer the best season?

Summer is a season of warmth, sunshine, and outdoor adventures. It's the time of year when school is out, vacations are planned, and memories are made. Summer brings with it a sense of freedom, relaxation, and possibility. From beach days to barbecues, summer has something to offer for everyone.
